ARLD010 DX news QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 10 ARLD010 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT February 19, 1993 To all radio amateurs Thanks to Jacques, W2/F2YS, Wayne, KH6WZ, Bob, W5KNE, QRZ DX, Chod, VP2ML, and The DX Bulletin for the items in this week's bulletin. VANUATU. This Pacific island is supposed to be activated by Wayne, W9GW, from February 17 through 24. As of press time we have seen no PacketCluster spots. QSLs should go to 704 Meadowbrook Avenue, Bloomington IL 47401 4230. QATAR. A71CD has been on 21335 kHz between 1400 and 1430z. A71CW is the new call for Chris, who has been signing A71AL/SP5EXA. Chris has been on 40 meter CW around 0000z with a BIG signal into the eastern United States. QSLs go to Chris Dabrowski, Box 22101, Doha, Qatar. CROZET ISLAND. In last week's bulletin we ran an item on the CW activity by FT4WD. Jacques, W2/F2YS, recently spoke with Christian, FT4WD. Christian, a newly licensed amateur, operates SSB only. It is assumed that the station signing FT4WD on CW recently was of dubious repute. MARKET REEF. A team of operators hopes to put OH3AC/OJ0 on the air February 25 through 28, although weather conditions can either make or break this operation. QSL via Box 74, SF-15170 Lahti, Finland. KOREA. Documentation for the recent P5RS7 operation has been received at the ARRL DXCC Desk. No decision will be made on the accreditation issue before March 31, 1993. Please do not send in cards until instructed to do so. Thank you. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The ARRL International DX Contest CW starts at 0000z Saturday and ends at 2400z Sunday. For the contest exchange, W/VE stations send signal report and state or province. DX stations should send signal report and power. For more information, check page 125 of December 1992 QST. SAINT LUCIA. QSL cards have been ordered for the CQ WW DX SSB contest operation by J68DX, J68AL, J68AP, J68MR and J68WZ. Your continued patience would be appreciated. /EX